
what is craniosacral therapy?

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

cra·ni·o·sa·cral ther·a·py

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Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle and deeply relaxing form of body work that addresses tensions deep within the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve health and well being.  A profound healing modality, Craniosacral Therapy is a system designed to respectfully listen to the body using light therapeutic touch. The therapist identifies specific rhythmic motions expressed through the tissues and fluids of the body to identify areas that are restricted or under stress and helps to release these restrictions, allowing the body to make its own corrections and restore whole-body integration.

We experience all events in our lives physically, even before they take emotional form.  As dynamic, living organisms, we react to our internal and external environments, continually informing our experiences.

Our Central Nervous System, which keeps our health in balance, is encased in the cranium and spinal column, and is influenced by the Craniosacral system, the membranes and fluid that surround and protect the system. When we’re functioning smoothly, we call this homeostasis.  But this balance can be upset when we experience stress, be it physical, emotional or psychological.  When our stress response stays “switched on,” we experience a breakdown in communication between the Central Nervous System, our organs and other processes, which can lead to ill health.

Your health is organized by an innate intelligence. The role of the Craniosacral Therapist is not to apply force to correct irregularities in the body but to help identify and address its imbalances, creating a safe environment that promotes self-healing and vitality.